© Sarah De Keukelaere

Movement theater: the body doesn't lie

Start Fri 27 September '24
19:00 - 21:00

4 sessions


Standard price: € 66
All prices

Location Danspunt
Dok Noord Sint-Salvatorstraat 18 001A
9000 GENT

More about the location(s)

Language & teacher(s) Dutch/English

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The body doesn't lie. Movement theatre is not about pretending, but about being.

Our basic ingredients are simple: your body, space, time and your imagination. Additionally, we throw in some experiments with images, themes, sounds and words. During this short series, we flirt with the line between dance and theatre.

As a group, you learn to tune in to each other, interact and create group compositions, through viewpoints and other improvisational scores. By giving it all you got physically, you will be surprised by what emerges on the spot and what we can build on to create exciting theatrical scenes. In addition, you will discover your individual qualities as a dancer/player.

Ideal for dancers who want to immerse themselves in theatricality or for theatre players who want to increase their body awareness or even discover the dancer in themselves.


Wear clothes in which you can move easily. We dance barefoot. Bring a bottle of water.

Level of experience

Level X: for theatre players and dancers who are ready to give it their all physically and to cross the line between dance and theatre.


  • Fri 27 September '24
    19:00 - 21:00
    Danspunt - Studio 1
  • Fri 4 October '24
    19:00 - 21:00
    Danspunt - Studio 1
  • Fri 11 October '24
    19:00 - 21:00
    Danspunt - Studio 1
  • Fri 18 October '24
    19:00 - 21:00
    Danspunt - Studio 1


  • Danspunt Dok Noord Sint-Salvatorstraat 18 001A
    9000 GENT Show on map

    WISPER has several course locations at the DOK Noord site. The Danspunt studio's are one of them. Is it your first time here? Please come in time and make sure to read the information on www.wisper.be/doknoord first. Without these guidelines, it's easy to get lost here!



Sarah Bostoen

Sarah Bostoen studied Dance Theatre at FHK in Tilburg, followed by educational training at the…
More about Sarah Bostoen