Een locatie in Gent
Exact adres volgt / exact address to follow
9000 Gent
Language & teacher(s) Dutch/English
Fancy going to an occasional dance show or performance together with other dance lovers? Sign up to our whatsapp group for Ghent region.
Every month we will post which performance we picked. You buy your ticket, we agree on a meeting place and time and afterwards we share experiences over a drink. Or who knows, maybe we can arrange an aftertalk with the cast for our little group?
Don't worry: it won't be yet another whatsapp group with endless notifications. You will only receive informative messages from us about place and time per season or per month. At any time, you can decide to leave the group again.
A few days before the start you will receive an email from us with the exact location in Ghent where you are expected for the first session.