Unconventional painting

Start Sun 10 November '24
10:00 - 17:00

1 session


Standard price: € 49
All prices

Location WISPER Gent
Dok Noord 4D 001
9000 Gent

More about the location(s)

Language & teacher(s) Dutch/English

Over the centuries, painting has evolved quite a lot when it comes to subjects and content. But the process and use of materials have remained similar: painting on canvas or panels with brushes is still the convention. So we thought it would be time to question those conventions as well!

During this painting day, we work with everything but the obvious painting materials. We draw and paint with clay, coffee, wood ash, salt, flour... and bring these substances into dialogue with threads and textiles.

We look for expression and tension in texture. On which carrier can we apply our materials to achieve a unique effect? And vice versa: which materials create an unexpected texture when applied? How can carrier and material influence the painted subject?

Whether you have a 'painter's block' and need a breath of fresh air, or just want to challenge the painting process: welcome!


Bring a work shirt or apron to protect your clothes. All materials are available.

Do you have old sheets lying around that you no longer need? Bring them along to make rags, those always come in handy!

Level of experience

Level 2: for participants with basic drawing or painting experience.


  • Sun 10 November '24
    10:00 - 17:00
    WISPER Gent - Beeldatelier


  • WISPER Gent Dok Noord 4D 001
    9000 Gent Show on map

    WISPER Gent is situated at the Dok Noord site. Make sure to read the information on our Dok Noord page beforehand because this place can be a bit of a maze when you first come here.



Annelies Slabbynck

Annelies took her first steps in the art world at the age of 17 when she chose the direction…
More about Annelies Slabbynck