© Dan Senior

Music production: a weekend immersion

Start Sat 23 November '24
11:00 - 18:30

2 sessions


Standard price: € 104
All prices

Location OPEK
Vaartkom 4
3000 Leuven

More about the location(s)

Language & teacher(s) Dutch/English

During this intense weekend immersion, Reindert and Thomas will guide you through the wonderful world of music production. From pulling cables to recording techniques to arranging on the fly and catching the right vibe, you will learn everything that comes up in a real production process!

So yes, definitely bring your instrument. Because you will also form a pop-up band whose fictional record we will write, record and finish. We will not focus on brushing off all the details, but on the process as a whole. To make sure you can get started at home, with minimal equipment, by yourself.

This weekend is for anyone who wants a taste of music production. As long as you have mastered the basics of your instrument or voice, you are welcome. Even if you just want to experience the recording process up close!

During the course, teachers will work in the DAW Ableton Live. No experience at all with a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation)? Then we would like to refer you to our Ableton courses! Do you doubt whether this course is for you? Send an email to reindert@wisper.be


Make sure to bring your instrument, laptop and headphones! Your DAW of choice and a corresponding audio interface may also come in handy. Questions or doubts? Send an email to reindert@wisper.be

Level of experience

Level X: for anyone who wants to know more about music production. Preferable, you have basic knowledge on your instrument or as a singer. Some knowledge of recording techniques or production in a DAW (such as Ableton or Logic) is an added value, but not a requirement.

Any questions or doubts? Send an email to reindert@wisper.be


  • Sat 23 November '24
    11:00 - 18:30
    OPEK - check bij aankomst / check upon arrival
  • Sun 24 November '24
    11:00 - 18:30
    OPEK - check bij aankomst / check upon arrival


  • OPEK Vaartkom 4
    3000 Leuven Show on map

    Check www.opek.be for more information about how to get here. At the first session, you will be welcomed by someone from WISPER who will tell you exactly where in/around the building your course takes place.

    Good to know if you take a full-day course here: for the lunch break, you can bring your own lunch, eat in at Café Entrepot or buy something at the Lidl supermarket around the corner.


  • Better world price
    € 114 Pay a little extra, help make WISPER affordable for everyone
  • Standard price
    € 104 Covers the costs of your course
  • Reduced price
    € 83 If you have trouble making ends meet
  • Holders of Cultuurkaart KU Leuven
    € 78 For students at KU Leuven, UC Leuven-Limburg and LUCA Campus Lemmens
  • Social discount UiTPAS Leuven
    € 21 (max 6 / year) only for Leuven citizens


Reindert Spanhove

Reindert is our musicman in Leuven, artist, producer and multi-intrumentalist. He studied at…
More about Reindert Spanhove

Thomas Schillebeeckx

Born in 1988 in Belgium, Thomas Schillebeeckx aka Poldoore is an international music producer and…
More about Thomas Schillebeeckx