New Yorkstraat 7
9000 Gent
Language & teacher(s) Dutch/English
We enter the space of instant composition & improvisation, in which the concept of connection can not be ignored. How are time and a sense of space connected? How does my own movement or dance fit into that? What choices do I have in connecting with another dancer? How do we influence each other?
We open and train both our movement vocabulary and our perception. We sharpen our senses and instincts. We become more aware of space and spatial ordening on the one hand, and of time and dynamics on the other. We start to grasp how the two are connected what our own place within them is.
"The action of improvising produces coincidences, and to take responsibility for them, without any apology, is part of the compositional process."
- Julyen Hamilton
We listen, in different ways. To ourselves, our fellow dancers and to the whole of our composition. We look at how we make choices. Choices based on the point where reason meets instinct.
Different themes will pop up: timing and dynamics, minimalism, movement qualities, beginning and end of an action, where am I when and how present, when does dance become a composition?
We experience individually and in smaller or larger groups how we relate to all these topics. We experience how the events around us affect our dance. And how our dance and our choices echo far beyond us.