© Sarah De Keukelaere

Creative movement into composition

Start Wed 2 July '25
14:00 - 17:00

2 sessions


Standard price: € 53
All prices

Location OPEK
Vaartkom 4
3000 Leuven

More about the location(s)

Language & teacher(s) Dutch/English

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to create a movement piece starting from your own emotions, feelings and stories? In this workshop, we bring our inside world to the outside!

Through creative movement and dance expression exercises and through talking and sharing moments, we create a final product with a beginning, middle and ending. Our process is not about learning a fixed choreography but rather about turning your own experiences into a choreography!

The first day, we focus on experiencing and improvising. The second day, we combine our creations into a collective product.


Wear clothes in which you can move easily. We dance barefoot. Don't forget your water bottle!

Level of experience

Level X: for everyone, your previous dance and movement experience is not important!


  • Wed 2 July '25
    14:00 - 17:00
    OPEK - check bij aankomst / check upon arrival
  • Thu 3 July '25
    14:00 - 17:00
    OPEK - check bij aankomst / check upon arrival


  • OPEK Vaartkom 4
    3000 Leuven Show on map

    Check www.opek.be for more information about how to get here. At the first session, you will be welcomed by someone from WISPER who will tell you exactly where in/around the building your course takes place.

    Good to know if you take a full-day course here: for the lunch break, you can bring your own lunch, eat in at Café Entrepot or buy something at the Lidl supermarket around the corner.


  • Better world price
    € 58 Pay a little extra, help make WISPER affordable for everyone
  • Standard price
    € 53 Covers the costs of your course
  • Reduced price
    € 42 If you have trouble making ends meet
  • Holders of Cultuurkaart KU Leuven
    € 40 For students at KU Leuven, UC Leuven-Limburg and LUCA Campus Lemmens
  • Social discount UiTPAS Leuven
    € 11 (max 6 / year) only for Leuven citizens


Rafaela Alface Paula

Rafaela Alface is a socio-cultural worker, circus facilitator and dance teacher from Portugal.…
More about Rafaela Alface Paula