Corona | info for our guest teachers

On this page, we gather all practical corona-related information for our guest teachers.

With further questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact or!

  • About the safety measures you need to take into account as a teacher

    Currently we are in "code yellow" in Belgium. We will follow these guidelines:

    • Mouth masks are not required during our activities. Participants who still want to wear one, are offcourse allowed.
    • We still try to keep some distance, unless the activity requires otherwise.
    • Make sure to bring an extra sweater, coat, scarf, etc. during these colder months. We continue to put maximum effort into spreading the course groups and into sufficient ventilation in the course rooms by opening doors and windows as much as possible. We also installed CO2 meters at our course locations. So be sure to check them, and ventilate!
    • Check this page before each session for the latest updates on the measures applicable to our courses. Only when the measures become so severe that our live sessions cannot take place at all, we will email you again.
    • A covid safe ticket is not necessary for the courses in our own classrooms. If your course (partly) takes place in a public place or is part of an event, other measures might apply. In that case we will always discuss this with you first and inform your participants in advance.

    If you have questions of concerns, do not hesitate to contact one of our educational staff members or

  • In case your course is cancelled because of corona

    In case of cancellation for live sessions of the spring courses, we provide a fixed compensation of €20 per hour regardless of the teacher’s rate. To maintain a clear overview there is a possibility that you will receive your proposition at the end of the season, when the circumstances of all courses are known.

    In case of cancellation because there are not enough participants, there is no compensation.

    Please contact Tim or Inge with any financial questions or concerns about your contract. If you want to discuss the possibility of alternative ways of teaching or rescheduling the course in the future, you can always reach out to our educational team!

  • About the communication with your students

    It is of course completely OK to stay in touch with your students about the course topics. We noticed, however, that students also have a lot of practical questions.

    To avoid confusion, we want to ask you to not answer those practical questions yourself but to always refer to where we always post the latest updates.